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Why I Live by the Motto: “Try and Leave This World a Little Better Than You Found It”

At the top of my blog, you’ll find a quote that has guided me through life: “Try and leave this world a little better than you found it, and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best”. These words aren’t just a decorative statement for me – they are the compass by which I navigate my life.

My Journey as a Scout: The Foundation of a Lifelong Belief

My connection to this quote began when I was a child, just five years old, as a member of the Scouts. I was a “lobita,” the name given to the youngest section of the Scout movement, where children aged 5 to 8 are introduced to the principles of scouting. It was during those early years that I first heard this quote, and it resonated with me deeply, even as a child.

In our little group, we lived by the motto “Sempre alerta,” which means “Always alert” .This wasn’t just about being physically attentive – it was a call to be mentally and emotionally present, constantly aware of our surroundings, and ready to help where needed. Whether it was picking up litter in the park or helping a fellow scout tie their knot, we were taught to always be on the lookout for ways to contribute positively to the world around us.

A Habit of Helping: Always Alert, Always Ready

That early training stayed with me, shaping how I interact with the world today. I find myself, almost instinctively, scanning my environment, looking for where I might be needed. Whether it’s a group of tourists on the street struggling with a map, an elderly lady carrying heavy bags, or someone quietly crying on a park bench – I’m drawn to these moments. I feel a sense of responsibility, not because I have to help, but because I want to. It’s in these small acts that I feel the most connected to the world, as if each little gesture contributes to a larger tapestry of good.

Helping others, no matter how small the act, has become a reflex for me. I don’t do it for recognition; I do it because it feels like the right thing to do. It’s a way of living the Scout motto every day, staying alert to where I’m needed, and stepping in when I can.

The Lesson: A Life Guided by a Simple Principle

This quote has become more than just a memory from my childhood – it’s my life motto. It reminds me daily that life isn’t about grand gestures or monumental achievements; it’s about the small, consistent efforts to make the world a better place.

Living by this principle gives my life purpose. It gives me a sense of fulfillment, knowing that I’m contributing, even in a tiny way, to the well-being of others. And when my time comes, I hope I can look back and know that I didn’t waste the time I was given. Instead, I tried my best to leave the world a little better than I found it.

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