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Flipping the “What If’s”: How I’m Learning to Focus on the Positive

We’ve all been there, right? That moment when you’re about to take a big step, but then those “what if” thoughts start creeping in. For me, they’ve always been more like “what if it doesn’t work out”, or “what if I fail and end up looking like an idiot”.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked myself out of something before I even tried, just because I was so sure it wouldn’t work out. Even when everything pointed to the fact that it could actually work. It’s like my brain would go straight to the worst-case scenario, and I’d convince myself to quit before even starting.

I used to ask myself, “What if I’m not good enough?” or “What if I mess up?”; and honestly, it held me back from doing so many things I wanted to do. I’ve missed out on opportunities, experiences, and just plain fun because I was too caught up in the negative “what if’s.”

But lately, I’ve been trying to change that. I’ve realized that for every negative “what if,” there’s a positive one just waiting to be asked. And when I focus on the positive, it completely shifts my mindset.

  • What if it actually works out?
    This is the big one for me. I’ve started asking myself this whenever I feel doubt creeping in. Like, what if that thing I’m scared to try actually turns out amazing? What if it’s the best decision I ever make? Just thinking about the possibilities opens up so much more space for hope and excitement.
  • What if I keep going?
    There have been times when I’ve wanted to quit, especially when things get tough. But now, instead of giving up, I try to ask, “What if I push through?” – Maybe I’m closer to a breakthrough than I think. It’s not always easy, but believing that perseverance could lead to something great keeps me going.
  • What if I believe in myself?
    This one’s a work in progress, but I’m getting there. I’m learning that trusting myself and my abilities is half the battle. When I believe I can do something, it’s amazing how much more motivated and confident I feel. And really, what’s the harm in believing in myself a little more?
  • What if this challenge is exactly what I need?
    I used to think of challenges as things to avoid, but now I’m starting to see them as opportunities. What if the hard stuff I’m going through is actually helping me grow? It’s a tough mindset shift, but it makes dealing with obstacles a bit easier.
  • What if I inspire someone else?
    I’ve realized that my actions don’t just affect me – they can impact others too. What if by facing my fears and embracing positive “what if’s,” I’m encouraging someone else to do the same? That thought alone gives me a lot of motivation.

So yeah, I’m still working on flipping the script on my “what if’s,” but it’s made a huge difference in how I approach things. Next time you’re doubting yourself or thinking about all the things that could go wrong, try asking yourself – what if it goes right? What if it’s the best thing you ever do?

It’s not just about big life decisions either. This positive “what if” thinking can apply to everyday situations that might seem small but can make a big impact:

  • What if I give a stranger a compliment?
    It might seem like a tiny gesture, but think about it: What if your compliment makes someone’s day? What if it’s exactly what they needed to hear in that moment? I’ve started giving compliments more freely because I’ve realized that even a small act of kindness can have a ripple effect.
  • What if I start that project I’ve been dreaming about?
    I’ve had so many ideas floating around in my head, but fear often kept me from starting. Now, I’m asking myself, “What if this project turns out even better than I imagined?” What if it leads to new opportunities or opens doors I didn’t know existed? The potential for something amazing often outweighs the fear of failure.
  • What if I reach out to an old friend?
    Reconnecting with someone can feel intimidating, especially if it’s been a while. But what if reaching out leads to rekindling a meaningful friendship or catching up on each other’s lives? What if that simple act brings joy to both of you?
  • What if I try something new?
    Whether it’s a new hobby, a different workout routine, or a new recipe, stepping out of your comfort zone can be daunting. But what if trying something new leads to discovering a passion you didn’t know you had? What if it becomes a new favorite activity?

Because really, what if it all works out?

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