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Finding Beauty in a Chaotic World: How to See the Good in Life and Yourself

The past few days have been difficult. I’ve felt heavy, overwhelmed, and burdened by the weight of everything going on around me. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and the sadness, to feel like the world is pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe. But even in these moments, one thing I refuse to let go of is my search for beauty. It’s become a practice, almost like a ritual, to find beauty in the small things, the everyday moments, and the world around me.

Yesterday, I was on a video call with my best friend. I was feeling the weight of everything, just like I have been lately, and I needed a moment of peace. So, I stepped outside and found myself captivated by the sky. The clouds were stunning. It was one of those moments where everything else just fades away, and all you can do is stare in awe.

I turned on my camera to share the moment with her, and to my surprise, she was just as moved by the sight as I was. In fact, she was so overwhelmed by the beauty of it that it brought tears to her eyes. “The world can be so ugly, but it can be beautiful too”, she said. And those words really hit home for me.

There’s no denying that life can be incredibly hard. We all go through pain, loss, and sadness. We face challenges that feel insurmountable, and sometimes, it feels like the world is nothing but dark clouds. But then there are those moments of beauty – moments that remind us that life is still worth living, that there’s still light even in the darkest times.

Beauty isn’t always grand or overwhelming. Often, it’s found in the simplest things, the small joys that we might overlook if we’re not paying attention. I found this list last year, and I’ve had, ever since, been reading it very often when I need a boost:

  • A compliment from a stranger
  • Going to bed knowing you can sleep as long as you want
  • Watching the sunrise and set
  • The smell of fresh-baked bread
  • Finding something you thought was lost forever
  • A full fridge after grocery shopping
  • Sleeping in your own bed after being away
  • Making a baby laugh
  • Hearing an old song you used to love
  • The fresh, clean feeling after taking a shower
  • Taking off your shoes and socks after a long day
  • Overhearing someone say nice things about you
  • Talking to an old friend and picking up right where you left off
  • Flipping to a new month on your calendar
  • The first flavorful chews of a new piece of gumWhen someone genuinely asks how your day was
  • Being looked up to as a role model
  • The smell of the air after it rains

These moments, these small glimpses of beauty, are what keep me going. They’re what help me push through the hard times, to see that there’s still goodness in the world even when it feels like everything is falling apart.

I know it’s not always easy to see the beauty. Sometimes, the darkness feels overwhelming, and it’s hard to look beyond the pain and the hurt. But I’ve found that when I take the time to look, to really pay attention, the beauty is there. It’s in the little things, the everyday moments that we might overlook if we’re not careful.

So, even when things are hard, even when the world feels like it’s nothing but dark clouds, I encourage you to look for the beauty. It’s there, waiting to be found, and it’s worth the effort. Because in the end, it’s the beauty that makes life worth living. It’s the beauty that reminds us that there’s still hope, still light, still goodness in the world. And that’s something we all need to hold on to.

But more than just finding beauty in the world around you, I hope you see the beauty in yourself too. I hope you recognize your strength in getting through tough times, your kindness in the way you treat others, and your resilience in the face of adversity. I hope you see the beauty in your imperfections, in the way you keep going even when things are difficult, and in the love you give and receive. Because you are part of that beauty in the world, and you deserve to acknowledge and celebrate that.

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